Members Portal on a website

Transform your member portal to create more engagement, boost your retention rate and generate more revenue.

The PairConnex platform is not just for events!

Our solutions help you improve your community's experience by offering intelligent networking, relevant content and a multitude of interesting features that you will make available to them throughout the year.
photo Transform your member portal to create more engagement, boost your retention rate and generate more revenue.

Configure a platform tailored to your needs

Configure your own platform tailored to your needs and organize activities throughout the year, while ensuring a continuous basket of services for your members.

photo Configure a platform tailored to your needs

Stimulate conversations in a friendly, efficient and fast way.

Nurture your community around topics they are passionate about and allow them to break the ice through discussion forums and online chat.

photo Stimulate conversations in a friendly, efficient and fast way.

Propose the best possible associations between members

Guide your attendees to the most relevant opportunities with our smart matchmaking solution and offer them the ability to book ameetings with members who match their profile and goals.

photo Propose the best possible associations between members

Access an all-in-one community facilitation platform that will allow your members to get the most out of your association thanks to smart matchmaking.

photo A smart directory A smart directory
which presents recomendred members according to mutual compatibility.

photo A tool to help making connections A tool to help making connections
between your members thanks to the meeting module, chat, round tables and discussion threads.

photo Easily share your activities Easily share your activities
through a single platform, whether for virtual, face-to-face or hybrid events.

photo Organize meeting activities Organize meeting activities
by creating pre-assigned networking activities such as speednetworkings or B2B meetings.

photo Publish relevant content Publish relevant content
such as videos or PDF documents thanks to the media library.

photo Generate more registrations Generate more registrations
by posting your upcoming activities in the event program and taking payments directly through the platform.