Speed-jobbing activities

Facilitate connections between employers and job seekers by organizing a speed jobbing activity.

Like speed-dating, organize several meetings in parallel over several rounds, in order to allow everyone to break the ice.

PairConnex's all-in-one platform will not only allow you to easily create and publish meetings between recruiters and candidates, but these links will also be optimized according to each person's profile and objectives.
photo Facilitate connections between employers and job seekers by organizing a speed jobbing activity.

Organize relevant meetings

Use the PairConnex meeting generator to set the parameters of your meetings (number of tables, number of participants, duration, constraints to be respected, etc.)

photo Organize relevant meetings

Make it easier to book meetings

Easily share meeting parcour of each participant through their personalized agenda.

photo Make it easier to book meetings

A platform that ticks all the boxes you need for your event.

Complete and optimize participants experience by offering them to schedule meetings freely, chat, a bulletin board to post and apply for job, as well as virtual employer kiosks to present their information.

photo A platform that ticks all the boxes you need for your event.

Access an all-in-one event platform that will empower your attendees to get the most out of your recruiting event with smart matchmaking.

photo A meeting generator A meeting generator
that creates a personalized journey for everyone, optimizing the average compatibility of meeting attendees.

photo A tool that adapts to your needs A tool that adapts to your needs
by creating meetings that respect the desired format: such as number of rounds, duration, intervals, etc.

photo Set your rules and constraints Set your rules and constraints
whether it is encounters that you want to force or prevent, or manual modifications that you would like to make.

photo Complete your event with  a period of meeting bookings between piers Complete your event with a period of meeting bookings between piers
so that everyone can invite people they have not been able to meet through the event.

photo Add modules to enhance Add modules to enhance
your event, such as kiosks, job postings, workshops or conferences.

photo Bet on chat Bet on chat
to maintain contacts created on site and to continue exchanges started during the event.